Friday, January 1, 2010

Just Doooo IT!!!!

  • New Year, New Resolutions!  This will be the "Year of Doing Right By Myself".  That is, I will fulfill all the self-made promises to do better.  No more living by accident.  I will live on Purpose.  That's all I got for today.  Take care out there, there might be lions and tigers and bears, oh my! :o)


  1. Living a purpose-filled life is wonderful, Mar. I love the guts and determination you have, my friend.
    Lions and tigers and are soooo right! (Let's live on purpose and not by accident...what a wonderful resolution!)
    Looking forward to a wonderful 2010.
    Warm smiles to you,

  2. Mar...did you take the photo that is your header for this blog? It is a beautiful photograph...and I get caught up in its splendor...

  3. Hi Jackie. I'm not as clever as you about taking beautiful pictures. That photo is one I got from the internet along with some other scenery photos. I don't know what site it was or if someone sent it to me. It just seemed a little eerie and compelling so I used it for this blog.

  4. I miss you, Mar. I hope that you are doing well. Know that I'm thinking of you.
